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Fish Type: Lake Perch     Price: $12.50

Overall, I would highly recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Excellent
Potato Score: Excellent
Tartar Score: Good
Bread Score: Good
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: There are a lot of givens at the Big 10 Pub. It’s a given that their tiny parking lot will be packed. It’s a given that there will be sports on the many TVs. It’s a given that there will be a ton of different fish to choose from on Fridays. It’s a given that the wait staff will be buzzing all over filling orders, and be happy to do it. But mostly, it’s a given that people will be eating delicious food and be having a great time doing it. This is Badger country. This is Friday. This is how they do it at the Big 10.

From my outpost at the bar I could see it all – the fish, the folks, the frying, and of course the beer. My $12.50 order of lake perch arrived just over five minutes after the waitress put my order in and looked simply amazing. While there were only three perch fillets, they were very large and very in charge. They ruled the rectangular platter with their visible seasoning and artfully curled edges. The pretty perch were punctuated perfectly with plenty of pepper and satisfactory sums of salt. The fish itself was even pretty when exposed, featuring a few tiny bones to go with the delicate meat. It was really tasty, but not necessarily plentiful… I would’ve liked at least one more fillet.

The fish were perched atop a pile of potato pancakes, and alongside the Big 10’s homemade apple compote. The cakes were on the small side, but had a mellow, inviting flavor. While I’d like to see a hint more onion in the mix, they were still really tasty. The accompanying compote was loaded with cinnamon and big apple chunks. While the viscous goo was hot and hospitable, it wasn’t great with the pancakes since it was so spicy. However, it was a nice little dessert and welcome addition to the Fry.

I’ve never touted the Big 10 tartar and since it’s the same old recipe I’m not going to start now. While it does seem that the dill has diminished over time there is still all sorts of stuff in it, but luckily most of them are benign. The fish is tasty with or without the sauce so you can simply take it or leave it.

The bread at the Big 10 is in a constant state of flux, and this time it was a crusty little round rendition. While I’d say it was step up from a plain old dinner roll it wasn’t necessarily a big one. The finely-chopped coleslaw, on the other hand, was leaps and bounds above the mean and was finished off with a lovely horseradish pop.

For all the givens at the Big 10, the most important one is this: they have a great Fish Fry. Overall, we highly recommend the lake perch, and have no doubt it’s the best you’re going to find in the campus area. They do a great job sticking to what has traditionally made the Fish Fry so great while adding their own modern flair. While this ain’t your grandma’s Fish Fry, she would probably like it just as much as you do.
1330 Regent Street
Madison, WI 53715

(608) 251-6375