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Fish Type: Bluegill     Price: $13.50

Overall, I would highly recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Excellent
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Good
Bread Score: Good
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: The UW campus is a special place. This is especially true for those of us who were fortunate enough to attend the greatest university in all the land, and take the fond memories of college days with us. There are so many places to go, things to do, and beers to drink that it can take a full four years (and in some cases five or six) to get it all in. There is also no shortage of delicious food available at the campus-adjacent eateries, and with so many ways to fill your head you know there are plenty of ways to fill your belly too. When you’re talking Fish Fry, the filling station of note is the Big 10.

We had a couple prospective students staying with us for the weekend and we figured what better way to acquaint them with the Alma Mater than a stop on Regent. We showed up around 7 o’clock, which is usually a risky proposition, but the Big 10 is a big place, and we had no problem rustling up a table for four. One of the many waitresses found us immediately, and sped off to grab us some drinks.

By the time she got back with the beverages we were ready to order, and while they all went for non-fish items (they’ll learn) I put in for the bluegill. Unlike the drinks, the fish arrived lickety-split, and was steaming hot. My fancy rectangular plate featured seven fish fillets riding on top of two of the Big 10’s homemade potato pancakes, a cup of slaw, a cup of tartar, a crusty dinner roll, and a dish of apple compote for the pancakes. As you probably guessed, I wasted little time digging in.

At first bite I could tell this was the classic Big 10 bluegill. The fillets varied in size from small to large with each coated in a light breading that features a smooth flavor, and an appropriate amount of seasoning. The fish itself was flaky and tender, with no rubbery textures or any overpowering flavors.

Once a few of the fillets were eaten I was able to get at the potato pancakes and was happy with what I unearthed. The latkes were on the thick side (at least for potato pancakes), but were diverse and flavorful. Their onion-y undertone paired well with the cinnamon-rich, homemade compote, and added a welcome component to the Fish Fry.

Adding even more diversity to the dinner plate was the Big 10’s homemade tartar. While the sauce used to be a dilly disaster, it has smartened up over the years. The current rendition pairs nicely with freshwater fish, although it’s on the thin side and doesn’t cling like I’d like it to.

Rounding out the plate was a spherical dinner roll, and some of the Big 10’s homemade coleslaw. The roll was a little too dense for my tastes, but with a bunch of butter it became manageable. The finely-chopped slaw on the other hand was good from the get-go and put the finishing touch on what is definitely a Grade A Fish Fry.

While the UW is a special place, the allure of the Fish Fry doesn’t seem to resonate with the student community like it should (it certainly didn’t strike a chord with our applicants-to-be). Fortunately for them there is plenty of time to learn the ropes, and there are places like the Big 10 to help them along the way. Overall, we highly recommend the bluegill at the Big 10, and are glad they are passing their wisdom on. I know I’ll take a plate of their knowledge any day. On Fishconsin!
1330 Regent Street
Madison, WI 53715

(608) 251-6375