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Fish Type: Cod     Price: $9.90

Overall, I would highly recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Excellent
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Excellent
Bread Score: Good
Miscellaneous Score: Excellent

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Comment: Everything was set up just right. It was going to be a perfect Friday. A delicious Fish Fry at Dexter’s, and an opening round victory for the Badgers in The Tournament would make it so. It was all going to be so perfect, then… it wasn’t.

In all fairness, Dexter’s held up their end of the bargain (and then some). Usually when I come to Dexter’s on a Friday I try to remain open-minded since they do all the fish varieties so well. Today was a different story. Today I was on a mission. A mission called: Wild Caught Bering Sea Cod. And I was going to get that cod, come hell or high water, I was going to get it. Of course, hell showed up in the form of Dexter’s new Wild Caught Great Lakes Perch, and the screws started to turn on me. I was torn six ways from Sunday, but stuck to my guns and tried to focus my attention on the opening seconds of the basketball game instead of the scrumptious sounding perch. As the bartender arrived an order for the cod finally passed my lips, and a wave of relief washed over me. I withstood the temptation.

The $9.90 3-piece cod came quickly, and appeared to be the first fish of the day to be fried. The three cube-ish cuts of cod were large, and fall-apart flaky. The pristine fish was paired with a flavorful beer batter that looked like it was going to be thick, but was actually incredibly light and a little creamy. It was absolutely superb all around, and has to be some of the best beer battered cod currently available in Madison.

When fish is this tasty it really doesn’t need much assistance, but Dexter’s includes a world-class tartar anyway. Their homemade sauce is thick and creamy, and has a nice zest that kicks the fish right in its fish butt.

I have been a champion of Dexter’s waffle fries since I first laid taste bud on them, but today they were a disappointing (much like our beloved Badgers). They were a little less spicy than normal, and although the portion was ample they just didn’t blow me away like they have been known to do.

Dexter’s slaw was also not a game changer and although it’s fresh and homemade, it’s a little strong on the onion. It’s a strange brew that’s sorta creamy, and sorta zesty, but just not that great tasting. The plain old white roll was also just so-so, humbly serving its purpose in support of the fantastic fish without seeking much acclaim of its own.

The first round loss was certainly a stinger, but at least the Fish Fry I had at Dexter’s eased the pain somewhat. While the Badgers turned out to be a faulty flock, the cod was practically perfect, and did everything it could to make this the flawless Friday I anticipated. Overall, I highly recommend this Fish Fry and envision a serious problem next time I come to Dexter’s. Perch, bluegill, walleye, and now cod. A delicious dilemma indeed.
301 North Street
Madison, WI 53704

(608) 244-3535