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Fish Type: Lake Perch     Price: $14.50

Overall, I would highly recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Excellent
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Excellent
Bread Score: Good
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: The perch is back at the Tap! I repeat, LAKE PERCH IS BACK AT CHICO’S VILLA TAP! Go get it right now. Eat it up as fast as you can. Thank me later.

I really couldn’t be happier that suppliers are once again able to meet Wisconsin’s insatiable appetite for the most traditional of Fish Fry fish. It has been far too long since Chico was able to get it in stock and I can only hope there isn’t a repeat of this in scenario in years to come. It’s been a difficult few months. Simply devastating to be honest.

Chico’s lake perch ain’t cheap, but I also don’t really care. I’ll gladly pay $14.50 for anything that tastes this good. The Canadian critters are flaky and supple, and carefully coated in Chico’s signature breading. This stuff is simply amazing, and tastes like KFC’s secret recipe on steroids. It’s so flavorful that I’m sure there’s no way it can be good for you, but then again, I don’t really care. I’m drooling just thinking about it.

Nothing else in this Fish Fry is on the same level as the fish, although they are all they can be – starting with the French fries. Chico’s fries come straight out of a big brown bag from the freezer and while the skin-on spuds are nothing special in that regard, they are as well-fried and as well-salted as can be. The fry master shows his skill here.

There is just something about homemade tartar that makes it stand out and Chico’s blend is thick and pungent. It stands up to the fish as well as any sauce could.

The dinner roll at the Villa is nothing special, but why should it be? This isn’t a bakery after all. Likewise, the slaw just kind of does its thing although it does seem to be getting incrementally better over time.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the lake perch at the Villa Tap is in the running for the single tastiest fish available in Madison. It’s just incredibly delicious and I couldn’t care less what exactly makes it so. Overall, we highly recommend this Fish Fry and couldn’t be happier to see the perch return to the Tap. iViva la Villa!
2302 Packers Avenue
Madison, WI 53704

(608) 244-9627