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Fish Type: Lake Perch     Price: $15.00

Overall, I would highly recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Excellent
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Excellent
Bread Score: Good
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: The Villa Tap is one of those places. You go there a whole bunch of times, and of course, you do so with good reason – they have an amazing Fish Fry. Then you take some time off, you go to other Fish Frys, and you forget exactly what it is that made you go to the Villa Tap so many times to begin with. Eventually you find yourself at the Villa again and it all comes rushing back.

The Fish Fry at the Villa Tap really is something special, and it’s mostly due to the superb lake perch. The perch plate runs a full $15, and while that may seem like a lot of dough for a meal from a bar, the price is actually quite justified. Depending on how busy Chico is your perch will arrive in somewhere between five and forty-five minutes after you order (five on the lunch side, and forty-five during the dinner rush). But regardless of how long you wait you will be rewarded for you patience.

It’s difficult to describe how good the perch at the Villa really is, and when you haven’t had it for a while you forget that it really is this good. The fillets are fat. In fact, they are some of the thickest and moistest you will find. The plump perch are then covered in what is assuredly the most flavorful breading imaginable. The five fat pieces result in a princely portion of superbly-seasoned morels that dance on your tongue and tickle your taste buds. It is lip-smacking, finger-licking good, and I’m not sure how it could even be improved upon. It is, in a (made up) word, perchfection.

From there things take a step-back, but don’t totally fall off by any means. The fries come from the freezer, but do so with their skin on. The Julienne-cut spuds are well-fried, and appropriately salted to achieve their maximum potential. They are tasty enough and add the right element to the Fish Fry without overshadowing the prized perch.

The perch is so great that it can be eaten as-is, but the Tap tartar gives it a little boost if you’re into that sort of thing. It’s a thick and creamy mix that is almost entirely mayo, but has just enough relish to let you know it’s there.

The slaw is also there, and while it’s not the best ever, it certainly holds its own. It’s a creamy, diverse rendition that has a fresh cabbage flavor. The bread comes along with the slaw before the fish is served and is essentially just your basic dinner roll.

When you go out for Fish Fry every Friday they sort of all blend together and you tend to forget what makes the truly special ones special. Then you go back to somewhere like the Villa Tap and it hits you like a ton of bricks. Amazing fish makes the Fry, and the Tap has it and then some. Overall, we highly recommend the lake perch at the Villa Tap and will be rushing back in soon.

Viva la Villa!
2302 Packers Avenue
Madison, WI 53704

(608) 244-9627