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Fish Type: Lake Perch     Price: $14.50

Overall, I would highly recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Excellent
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Excellent
Bread Score: Good
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: There is something special about the Villa Tap, and some people have a hard time figuring out exactly what it is. The bar itself is a typical dive, not bad, but certainly not special. The beer selection is decent, but also nothing particularly special. The food is your basic bar food, and probably not something most people would consider special. But, there is at least one special thing about the Villa Tap, and we know exactly what it is. It’s the Friday Fish Fry!

The lake perch at the Villa Tap is really something special and arguably the tastiest fried fish the world has ever known. It all starts with fat, meaty fillets of Canadian Lake Perch which the owner/frymaster, Chico, dredges through his souped-up seasoning. He then fries them for just the right amount of time in scalding hot oil which makes the breading crispy and the fish supple yet flaky. The resultant taste is nothing short of miraculous blending the subtle sweetness of the fish with the in-your-face spiciness of the breading.

The rest of the items that surround the fish are fairly standard, save for the tartar sauce. The sauce is a thick a zippy rendition that complements the fish quite well. While a wimpier sauce would be lost in the shuffle, this mix has plenty of punch to keep the perch in check.

The fries are basic freezer fries although they do have the skins on. If nothing else there are plenty of them on the plate which ensures they last until the fish is gone.

A regular roll and a some standard slaw round out this Fish Fry and do what they need to do but not much else.

In our opinion the Villa Tap is a great place that becomes truly special when Friday rolls around. The lake perch is just too delicious too pass up and even though you don’t get a lot else for your $14.50 the perch is so good that it really doesn’t matter. Overall, we highly recommend this Fish Fry and will come back anytime we’re feeling special.
2302 Packers Avenue
Madison, WI 53704

(608) 244-9627