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Fish Type: Lake Perch     Price: $15.00

Overall, I would highly recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Excellent
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Excellent
Bread Score: Good
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: It doesn’t get much better than the Villa Tap. Sure, it’s dark, the ceilings are low, it smells like a bar, and when it gets busy it feels cramped, but that’s what makes it so great. Well, all of that and some of the tastiest Fish Fry this state has ever known.

The Villa never changes nor does its Canadian Lake Perch, and thank God for that. This perch is simply outstanding and some of the best you will ever taste, I promise you. The fillets are big and meaty – incredibly hearty for perch – and home to the most flavorful breading the word has ever known. When the sweet perch meets the immaculately seasoned breading a purely amazing flavor combination is achieved that just makes you want more and more. It fills the belly and soothes the soul with love. Delicious fishy love.

Everything else at the Villa is pretty basic except for the tartar which is zesty and creamy, and a step above the norm. The fries are just fries, but expertly fried with enough salt to make them tasty. The dinner roll is essentially what you’d find if you Googled “dinner roll,” and the slaw is the standard creamy and peppy mix. It’s all pretty average, but is solely there to lend support to the perch and that’s exactly what it does.

The goal of any Fish Fry is to have the tastiest fish possible. Sure, fancy potatoes, unique bread options, and eclectic atmospheres are nice, but in the end it’s all about the fish and the Villa does it better than anywhere else. Overall, we highly recommend this Fish Fry and will never stop coming back. Never ever ever. Ever.
2302 Packers Avenue
Madison, WI 53704

(608) 244-9627