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Fish Type: Cod     Price: $8.00

Overall, I would highly recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Excellent
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Excellent
Bread Score: Good
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: We think Wilson’s Fish Fry is pretty great. Here’s why –

There’s no BS at Wilson’s. The fish will come no more than five minutes after your order goes in and will be smoking hot - you might even get an extra piece (Travis and Norbet both did).

The fish is as consistent as any you will find. It is the same thing every Friday and features a “fried chicken-like batter” that is light and flaky with just the right amount of seasoning for cod. The breading is also incredibly clingy, and really holds the flaky fish together. Quite superb.

The fries are supple and tasty, not over-fried like they used to be from time to time. While they aren’t the best you’ll ever have they play their part and don’t overshadow the fish.

The tartar is everything a sauce should be. It is triumphantly thick, incredibly creamy, and massively delicious. It makes the cod even better than it is on its own (and it’s pretty damn good on its own).

The slaw and roll are there. The slaw is fresh, but still not zesty enough, while the roll is soft and yeasty. They do what they need to do.

In a nutshell, Wilson’s is great because they aren’t trying to be. They are just doing what they do without trying to make things too fancy or too unique. Overall, we highly recommend the Fish Fry at Wilson’s. Simple as that.
2144 Atwood Avenue
Madison, WI 53704

(608) 241-2226