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Fish Type: Walleye     Price: $15.00

Overall, I would not recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Good
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Good
Bread Score: Poor
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: In all honesty we had no intention of going to the Free House this Friday. We had our sights set on bigger and better fish, but unfortunately the fish of our affection unexpectedly rode off into the sunset. Adios Farm Table, Adios great fish. Adios yet another Middleton establishment. It was a good, albeit brief, run. We showed up at the Free House on a whim hoping for something…something more…something better…something we’d be happy to eat. Here’s to hoping…

The Free House still has cod every Friday, but as we’ve been underwhelmed by it in the past we went walleye this week. The $15 freshwater fillet is average in most every way – size, flavor, and consistency. The focus of the fish is a dark cornmeal breading that has very little, if any, flavor. A little grease also seeped from its flaky loins which was surprising, but not entirely unexpected.

Enough fries to cover the plate in a single layer followed the fish, but as you might have guessed were nowhere near numerous. They’re not cut in-house, they’re not perfectly fried, they’re not amazing in any way. They’re just okay, which can be passable if you have great fish. If you have great fish…

No one wants a runny tartar sauce and this thin mix didn’t mesh well with the fish. Being that it is a sauce it lacks extremities, which didn’t leave it a leg to stand on. Feel free to kick that around…

A puny portion of slaw was next on the gnashing block, and while miniscule, was very tasty. Sure, I would have liked more, especially since the fish was far from a filler upper, but as they say, you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit. Fittingly, no bread came with this Fish Fry which left no taste in my mouth, much less a bad taste.

While we didn’t expect greatness from the Free House we were hoping to be pleasantly surprised; unfortunately it simply wasn’t meant to be. Overall, we don’t recommend this Fish Fry and surely won’t be dropping fifteen more bucks here any time soon. Too bad too, since the place itself is quite nice. If only the fish followed suit…
1902 Parmenter Street
Middleton, WI 53562

(608) 831-5000