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Fish Type: Walleye     Price: $16.00

Overall, I would highly recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Excellent
Potato Score: Excellent
Tartar Score: Excellent
Bread Score: Poor
Miscellaneous Score: Excellent

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Comment: A Fish Fry is a great thing. A Fish Fry on a patio is an even better thing. And a Fish Fry on a patio near a lake is pretty much the best thing ever. Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of lakeside dining establishments in Madison despite the number of lakes, so the Tip Top doesn’t stand much of a chance in that regard. What they do have is a nice big patio and an amazing Fish Fry, and, as we all know, two outta three ain’t bad.”

TT has walleye for $16 and cod for $14 on Friday both of which can be ordered deep fried or baked. They also have a new section of indoor seating which appears to have nearly doubled the functional space... The Tip Top is evolving! Despite the updated interior, and as you probably guessed from the intro, we chose to sit on the patio on this sunny September day and had an attentive waitress at our side in no time. Not only was she punctual, but was extremely gracious when she misheard our order and brought my wife fried cod instead of baked. She replaced it without incident which garnered her a princely tip and a note here on

As per usual the walleye was good, but like the establishment itself, the breading has changed. No longer does the freshwater fish boast the dark brown, pepper-loaded crunchy deliciousness we loved so dearly. It’s now more of a standard beige tone with flecks of seasoning throughout. It’s more Dexter’s-style now, which is less unique and makes it slightly less intriguing in our opinion. While I preferred the old this was still plenty good in its own right and of course, the fillet was gigantic.

A handful of fries appeared to be cut in-house as they came in all sorts of odd shapes and sizes. Most importantly, they were perfectly fried and played a respectable Robin to the walleye’s Batman. The tartar was as smooth as silk and it’s zesty flavor paired perfectly with the flaky fish.

The Tip Top is a bread-free zone so none came with the fish, but as per usual, but the pungent slaw made up for it. It’s a simple red cabbage and vinegar mix that looks plain, but is soaked just long enough that some crunch persists without tasting raw.

As times change evolution is inevitable, and we’re glad to see the Tip Top doing well and expanding. We have loved their Fish Fry from day one and while we would like to have the old breading back we can continue to get behind the new stuff. It’s still great, and something we’ll have no problem getting used to. Overall, we still highly recommend this Fish Fry and only wish they had a lakeside lot in their future. Any chance we can make that happen? It would be the tops.
601 North Street
Madison, WI 53704

(608) 241-5515