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Fish Type: Cod     Price: $9.00

Overall, I would highly recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Excellent
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Excellent
Bread Score: Poor
Miscellaneous Score: Excellent

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Comment: Back in the day the Avenue Bar was synonymous with “The Best Fish Fry in Madison” - and it showed. The place was packed on Friday nights, and even if you had a reservation you were going to have to wait. That’s just the way it was and everyone accepted it because the fish was so good. Well, at some point the mom & pop who established the sparking reputation got out of the business and turned it over to the kids. That’s when the downward spiral began. Corners were cut, quality slipped, and the reputation was tarnished.

About a year ago the Food Fight folks stepped in and ended the madness. Since that time they have returned to the Avenue’s Supper Club roots and re-established what made them so great. They’ve even added a fish-n-chips special at lunch which the guys at work and I took full advantage of.

We arrived at the East Wash eatery pretty early and had our choice of tables. Since there were six of us we took the big circular one in the corner of the bar which I have never, ever seen available. The waitress/bartender came right over, relayed the specials, and hopped off to grab us some drinks. She had a great table-side manner, and provided some superb service. Since we were one of the first parties of the day the fish came lickety-split, and hot as can be thanks in no small part to her.

The fish-n-chips is a 2-piece affair, but winds up being more than enough for lunch. The plate is highlighted by two fat chunks of cod in the Avenue’s beer batter. The golden batter is very rich and creamy, and nothing less than delicious. The fantastic flavor of the batter compliments the cod well. The fish itself was a bit of a mixed bag, and while the pieces were large, they were more mushy than flaky. I assume the texture can be attributed to the girth/fry-time dynamic, and while it was decadent it wasn’t pristine.

An adequate portion of Supper Club-style fries accompanied the fish, and featured the classic shell-like exterior that virtually repels salt. Regardless of the saline stopper, the thick julienne-cut tubers were tasty, and went bite-for-bite with the fish.

The Ave. has always dominated the tartar game and the Food Fighters are continuing the excellence. Our wonderful waitress even brought extra when she noticed that they first round was a little light. The thick, zippy brew helped the fish in all the right ways and left us all smiling.

Some homemade coleslaw came before the fish and was a little soupy, but a real zinger. The vinegar-based slaw would have paired perfectly with a nice slice of rye, but as you might expect, no bread came with the fish-n-chips. Oh well.

As if the great Fish Fry wasn’t enough, The Avenue comped us a mini birthday cake for our co-worker Adam who was celebrating the Big 3-0. It was a gracious gesture and capped off this visit with a bang. Overall, we highly recommend the re-invigorated Avenue Bar Fish Fry and will have to come back during dinner time to see if they are still drawing them in like the used to… I’d bet they are.
1128 E. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI 53704

(608) 257-6877