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Fish Type: Cod     Price: $12.00

Overall, I would not recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Good
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Good
Bread Score: Good
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: Like shooting pool? The Rock is for you. Like watching sports on TV? The Rock is for you. Like traditional bar food? The Rock is definitely for you. Like an amazing Fish Fry? Well...

The Rock has Fish Fry for lunch and dinner and the $12 2-piece cod for lunch is a square deal, just don't count on getting it quickly, regardless of how many people are there (your wait time may vary). The cod will also be just alright. The pieces are pretty hefty, but the beer batter is bland and about what you'll find. A smidgen of grease will ooze out, and while it might not ruin the fish, it will be noticeable. This isn't bad fish, but more of a fill-you-up fish than a keep-you-coming-back-for-more fish.

The brew fries are touted as being special, but are essentially just steak fries. There are plenty of other options as well, and while I was tempted by the lattice chips they were just actual chips so I'm glad I stuck to the fries. Your mileage may vary.

A Sysco-style tartar will come along for the journey and may actually just be from an actual huge Sysco container. This sauce will do its job and while that might be it, I feel like Sysco sauce is just fine.

A plain old roll comes on the side and a boatload of horsey slaw bucks its way onto the plate. Both are fine, but about as basic as it gets.

In all honesty this wasn't a terrible Fish Fry. Most everything was passable and I wouldn't totally try and dissuade someone if they told me they were going there for it, but with so many other great options I don't see myself coming back. Overall, we don't recommend this Fish Fry, but think the Rock will do just fine without our blessing.
920 W Main Street
Sun Prairie, WI 53590

(608) 318-0137