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Fish Type: Haddock     Price: $16.75

Overall, I would not recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Good
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Good
Bread Score: Poor
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: When in Rome you do as the Romans do. When in Chicago (on a Friday) you do what you have to do. We started our Friday with the Fish ‘n Chips from @elephantcastle_adams and while it wasn’t a true blue Fish Fry it was passable. The single haddock fillet had a nice batter that was pretty light and reasonably flavorful. The fries were fat and satisfying, the tartar, while thin, had a nice zip, and the slaw was just so-so. For Chicago it was actually reasonably priced, so I was pretty happy with it overall, but it just can't campete with a real Wisconsin Friday Fish Fry.
185 N Wabash Ave
Chicago, IL 60601

(312) 345-1710