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Fish Type: Northern Pike     Price: $16.00

Overall, I would recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Good
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Good
Bread Score: Good
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: Stuck in Illinois on a Friday, but thankfully we found a pretty darn good Fish Fry.

The Dutch Inn West in Elgin gets billed as a dive, but it’s reasonably clean and well kept (at least by Wisconsin standards). What’s more, they have a legit Friday Fish Fry and we got to sample both versions of their haddock - battered and dry breaded.

The bar was pretty slow at 5:30 this Friday and our food hit the table about two seconds after I heard the ding from the bell in the kitchen. While the styles aren’t mix-n-match I was savvy enough to order the battered for the kid and dry breaded for myself so I got to sample both. If I had to do it over again it would be battered all the way…That’s not to say the lightly-breaded version wasn’t good (it was), the battered just had a little something extra starting with thicker cuts of fish and a more decadent flavor.

Diners can choose fries or baked potato with their fish and the house-cut fries were truly tasty although salty as hell. As a sodium fiend I loved them, but the kid thought they were a bit much. A nondescript tartar came along for the ride and made the fish marginally better, a cup of thinly-chopped slaw did its duty, and two tiny slices of home-baked bread were a lovely addition.

While I realize 99% of people who see this will never venture to Elgin for a Fish Fry I’ll admit this is likely the best one I’ve had south of the border (and that includes a couple fancy schmancy spots in downtown Chicago). Overall, we recommend this Fish Fry and are pretty pleased with what we got stuck with.
2288 Foothill Rd
Elgin, IL 60123

(847) 888-9560