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Fish Type: Cod     Price: $15.00

Overall, I would recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Good
Potato Score: Excellent
Tartar Score: Excellent
Bread Score: Excellent
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: While I realize my wife would totally understand if I wanted to go out for fish tonight, I also realize that’s probably not her ideal Valentine’s date night. So what’s a guy to do? Simple, just go get a Fish Fry for lunch instead. Problem (sort of) solved.

Kurniki's was an easy choice this Friday when I didn’t have a ton of time, but knew dinner was off the table. I bellied up to the bar just after 11am and had my 2.5-piece cod about 10 minutes later…and yes, you read that right - two AND A HALF piece.

The standard lunch is actually an only a 1.5 piece (don’t ask me why) but the bartender/cook didn’t bat an eye when I asked if I could add another (I assume I’m not the first to ask). The fish fried in a flash and looked mighty fine in its light (in color and in texture) batter. The fish itself was pure white and fall-apart flaky while the batter did just enough to hold it together despite the fact it was a little slick to the touch. The thick and tangy tartar complimented it well and even though I had a couple bites sans-sauce I still drained the entire cup.

Whereas the fish portion is on the small side the house-cut fries came in droves and were nothing short of superb. The slaw was the cool and creamy style and the marble rye is always a welcome sight (especially at lunch when a lot of places skew fish-n-chips style).

For most people (myself excluded) Fish Fry doesn’t scream romance, especially on the most romantic of holidays. In the interest of self-preservation I made the choice to eschew a dinner fry in favor of fine dining and get my fix at lunch. Time will tell if that was a wise move but my gut tells me it was. Speaking of the gut, it’s full of a tasty basket of fish from Kurniki’s. Love it.
8640 W Mineral Point Rd
Cross Plains, WI 53528

(608) 798-1234